parental support for children's interests


Parental support for minant children to enter school The Indonesian government continues to improve the quality of education, this is because the quality / quality of education is still considered low. Various efforts have been made, such as changing the curriculum, implementing the National Examination (UN), increasing the passing of the National Examination (UN), improving teacher welfare, improving teacher quality and so on. This is the government's efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia globally, while the process of improving the quality of education takes place in schools. The school makes various efforts to improve the quality of education by increasing the quality of the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM), such as using learning methods that increase the activeness of students in the teaching and learning process.


The learning process that occurs and is experienced by students / individuals is an activity that is very important in life, because through learning an individual can get to know his environment, adjust to his surroundings and be able to work together with others. According to Irwanto (1997: p. 105) "Learning is a process of change from not being able to become capable and occurs within a certain period of time". By learning individuals can reach the goals that have been expected since childhood.

By learning there will be changes in individuals that are positive, comprehensive and permanent that occur within a certain period of time. The importance of the interest and desire of individuals for education cannot be denied, with the various facilities and infrastructure provided by schools. The government also launched a new program to enter SMK with a percentage of 60%: 40% for SMK. So through the school the interests / talents of these individuals will be developed, and to meet the needs of individual interests / talents requires support from parents. Parental support is very important in achieving individual / child's interest because the child's deviant behavior is the result of a lack of parental support and attention. This is because children do not get responses from parents, for what they want. Not a few parents even impose their own will on what is appropriate for their children and what should be done by their children without wanting to know what their children want. Sometimes parents forget the two most important things; First, what is good according to parents is not necessarily good for children. Second, what is chosen or chosen for the child, especially the profession that the child will undertake for the rest of their life is not necessarily good for the child. Every child has different interests, strengths, and weaknesses, also different from their parents. This is what causes children to feel discouraged, and disappointed because they feel that they are not able to meet their parents' needs. This is because their interests conflict with what they are doing. As a result, they lose confidence in their abilities that return them to their bad deeds. According to Maurice (1987: 85) "All children's wrong and deviant behavior originates from the loss of self-confidence and fear of doing because they never get the courage to do something, or feel they can't do good enough". Parents should take care of their children, one of which is “authoritative” parenting, that is, parents with warm upbringing and respect for children's interests and uniqueness. However, the number of parents who have this kind of parenting is still limited. There are many things parents can do apart from deciding what to choose for their child. Good parents will give freedom to their children, but of course, responsible freedom. Starting from small things, for example determining when to study and when to play. That way, children can begin to learn to make decisions, by making it a habit to give children responsibility for their choices, children will feel respected and given freedom. By giving freedom to the child, the child will grow up to be a confident person who feels he has power over his own life and is not controlled by others over whatever the child chooses as long as it is positive. In this case, parental support is needed, because with this support children will be motivated and have the strength to carry out these choices. The minute is in the matter of determining the education to be taken after completing junior high school (SMP). Children whose hobbies are tinkering with electronic goods or vehicles, cooking, sewing and other things, of course after completing junior high school, they will choose to continue their education to SMK. The problem is whether every child who continues their education at SMK gets support from their parents.


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